Artefacto Films

Automating Creativity

Seminar on documentary film and artificial intelligence at DocumentaMadrid 2019.

Can machines help us be more creative? The recent massive implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is causing a revolution in many human activities, including those assumed to be irreplaceable, such as creative endeavors. The film industry is not immune to this transformation, and the use of AI in the processes of creation and production introduces new paradigms that deserve study.

This seminar aims to introduce these concepts and tools to the public. It begins with an overview of AI’s use in the world of art, then focuses on its potential applications in documentary filmmaking, and concludes by analyzing automated processes in audiovisual writing.

Year: 2019
Duration: 4 hours
Presented by: Luba Elliott, Anna Giralt Gris, Jorge Caballero, Pablo Gervás
Location: Cineteca – Plató Documenta Madrid.