Artefacto Films

Film, Algorithms, and Artificial Intelligence

Second edition of the online course within the framework of the Master’s in Theory and Practice of Creative Documentary at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

This course is an introduction to the technological forms that are shaping new expressions in contemporary cinema through both a theoretical and practical perspective. From a theoretical standpoint, it examines key concepts at the intersection of film and technology, with a particular emphasis on how artificial intelligence is impacting various stages of audiovisual creation.

The course explores different perspectives on image creation through artificial vision systems, the origins of computational creativity and generative art. It delves into contemporary methods for generating audio and images using voice, text, and even thoughts. It also lays the groundwork for some ideas that could shape the future of filmmaking.

In addition to theoretical sessions featuring recognized researchers and creators, students will engage in a series of exercises where they can apply the ideas from the theoretical framework, using open source algorithm models and neural networks specifically designed for this course. No programming knowledge is required to take advantage of and understand the possibilities of these tools.

Year: 2023/2024
Duration: 50 hours
Coordination: Virginia Luzón, Anna Giralt Gris, Jorge Caballero Ramos.
Location: Autonomous University of Barcelona, virtual format.